A – denotes allergenic
P – denotes pathogenic
T – denotes toxigenic
U – denotes unknown
Many fungal genera may have one, two or more of the above categories.
Acremonium (APT)
Reported to be allergenic. Can produce a trichothecene toxin which is toxic if ingested. It was the primary fungus identified in at least two houses where the occupant complaints were nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Asexual state of Emericellopsis sp., Chaetomium sp., and Nectripsis sp. It can produce mycetomas, infections of the nails, onychomycosis, corneal ulcers, eumycotic mycetoma, endophthalmitis, meningitis, and endocarditis.
Alternaria (APT)
A common saprobe found on decaying wood, decaying plants, food, soil, and outdoor air. Some species are plant pathogens. Indoors, it can be found in house dust, carpet, damp areas around showers and window frames, and anywhere condensation occurs. Because of its abundance and ubiquity, Alternaria is one of the most important fungal allergens and is recognized as the chief fungal cause of hay fever. Infection is extremely rare.
Arthospores (PT)
Arthrospores are a very primitive spore type, formed by the breaking up or disarticulation of fungal mycelia. Many yeast-like fungi such as the genera Geotricum and Trichosporon form arthrospores. These organisms require a series of biochemical tests for definitive identification. Many microfungi (such as the dermatophytes) form more than one kind of spore, including arthrospores, as well as spores that are morphologically distinct. Other microfungi form only arthrospores, but with mechanisms or other structural morphologies that are unique. Most of the basidiomycetes (mushrooms) form arthrospores as part of their mycelial phase; these arthrospores are not distinctive and are for the most part not an aid in identification. Colonies isolated on Andersen samples with aerial mycelia and many arthrospores are most probably the result of germinating basidiospores from mushrooms.
Ascospores (APT)
Sexual spores produced by Ascomycetes.
Agrocybe (U )
Medium to large mushrooms growing in grassy areas, on wood mulch, and pine needles. Some species are edible.
Arnium (U)
Most commonly isolated from dung. Not generally associated with human disease and is most often considered benign.
Arthrinium (AT)
A cosmopolitan fungus isolated from plant debris and soil. Often isolated from air near grassy places, but rarely found indoors. Not reported to cause human or animal infection.
Ascomycetes (APT)
Constitutes the largest class of fungi characterized by the production of sexual spores in structures called asci. This includes plant pathogens, saprobes, and decomposers. With a few exceptions, most Ascomycetes do not grow in buildings and are seldom agents of wood rot. Ascomycetes are the perfect stages of molds like Aspergillus and Penicillium. At high levels, Ascomycetes spores may cause allergies. Since most Ascomycetes are plant pathogens, ascospores are common during the growing season of plants and rare during winter, such as those of the Ascomycetes genera: Daldinia, Hypoxylon, Paraphaeosphaeria, Phaeosphaeria, and Leptosphaeria.
Aspergillus (APT)
A genus of fungi containing approximately 150 recognized species. Members of this genus have been recovered from a variety of habitats, but are especially common as saprophytes on decaying vegetation, soils, stored food, feed products in tropical and subtropical regions. Some species are parasitic on insects, plants and animals, including man. Species within this genus have reported Aw's (water activities) between 0.75 - 0.82. All of the species contained in this genus should be considered allergenic. Various Aspergillus species are a common cause of extrinsic asthma (immediate-type hypersensitivity: type I). Acute symptoms include edema and bronchiospasms. Chronic cases may develop pulmonary emphysema. Members of this genus are reported to cause a variety of opportunistic infections of the ears and eyes. Sever pulmonary infections may also occur. Many species produce mycotoxins which may be associated with disease in humans and other animals. Toxin production is dependent on the species or a strain within a species and on the food source for the fungus. Some of these toxins have been found to be carcinogenic in animal species. Several toxins are considered potential human carcinogens.
Basidiomycetes (APT)
A class of fungi characterized by spores formed on basidia. Includes the mushrooms, toadstools, boletes, wood bracket fungi, and puffballs. Some species are edible, such as Agaricus bisporus, the commercially cultivated mushroom. A few species cause wood brown rot, white rot, and dry rot in buildings.
Basidiospores (APT)
Sexual spores produced by Basidiomycetes.
Beauveria (AP)
Found in plant debris and soil. Some species are well known parasites of insects. It is also isolated from food materials and indoor environments.
Bipolaris (APT )
A widespread fungus that is most frequently associated with grasses, plant material, decaying food, and soil. It is common to both indoor and outdoor environments. Older obsolete names include Drechslera and Helminthosporium. This fungus produces large spores which would be expected to be deposited in the upper respiratory tract. Various species of this fungus can produce the mycotoxin - sterigmatocystin which has been shown to produce liver and kidney damage when ingested by laboratory animals.
Botrytis (A)
Most species are important plant pathogens, such as B. cinerea, which can cause gray mold disease on various plant parts. Can be found in food and indoor environment, particularly on plants, fruits, and vegetables.
Cercospora (U)
Teleomorph: Mycosphaerellaceae
Widespread plant pathogens that cause leaf spot on many plants.
Chaetomium (APT)
Large ascomycetous fungus producing perithecia. It is found on a variety of substrates containing cellulose including paper and plant compost. It can be readily found on the damp or water damaged paper in sheetrock.
Cheiromycella (U)
Sporodochia punctiform, brown. Mycelium immersed. Stroma erumpent. Setae and hyphopodia absent. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, short, branched irregularly and repeatedly, arising from cells of the stroma and composed mainly of swollen conidiogenous cells which are sometimes connected to one another by narrow isthmi, very pale golden brown, smooth. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic or monoblastic, integrated or discrete, determinate, clavate, doliiform, spherical or subspherical. Conidia aggregated in firm slimy masses, acropleurogenous, occasionally simple but usually branched, eheiroid, pale to mid golden brown, smooth; branches septate, constricted at septa. Type species: Cheiromycella microscopica (Karst.) Hughes = C. speiroidea (Höhn.) Höhn.
This genus is widespread; being found in food and indoors. Chrysonilia sitophila is popularly referred to as the red bread mold that occurs on breads, baked goods, meat, and fruits.
A common soil saprobe occasionally isolated from human or animal skin and nail. Chrysosporium inops is xerophilic and occurs in food.
Cladosporium (APT)
Aw (water activity) in the range of 0.84 to 0.88. Most commonly identified outdoor fungus. The outdoor numbers are reduced in the winter. The numbers are often high in the summer. Often found indoors in numbers less than outdoor numbers. It is a common allergen. Indoor Cladosporium sp. may be different than the species identified outdoors. It is commonly found on the surface of fiberglass duct liner in the interior of supply ducts. A wide variety of plants are food sources for this fungus. It is found on dead plants, woody plants, food, straw, soil, paint and textiles. It can cause mycosis. Produces greater than 10 antigens. Antigens in commercial extracts are of variable quality and may degrade within weeks of preparation. Common cause of extrinsic asthma (immediate-type hypersensitivity: type I). Acute symptoms include edema and bronchiospasms, chronic cases may develop pulmonary ailments.
Coelomycetes (AP)
An artificial class of fungi characterized by asexual spores that are produced within a cavity lined by fungal tissue or fungal and host tissues. Most are saprobes or pathogens on plants, fungi, and lichens.
Coprinus (T)
These mushrooms are popularly referred to as the inky caps because their gills dissolve into a black inky fluid at maturity. Found on wood, dung, humus, and soil. Some species are edible.
Curvularia (APT)
Reported to be allergenic. It may cause corneal infections, mycetoma and infections in immune compromised hosts.
Doratomyces (U)
A saprobe commonly found on decaying plant materials, straw, dung, wood, and in soil. It produces dark, sooty colonies. It has the ability to penetrate cellophane and to decompose cellulose. Doratomyces stemonitis is suspected to be the causal agent of "speck rot" on potatoes.
Dreschlera (P)
Mostly plant pathogens that cause leaf spot, seedling blight, leaf stripe, or net blotch.
Emericella (APT)
Usually found in soil, potatoes, grain, citrus, and stored seeds. Can be found in food and the indoor environment. Emericella nidulans can produce a sterigmatocystin mycotoxin and can be pathogenic to man and animals.
Endophragmia (U)
A relatively new fungi (2009) and not much is known about it.
Epicoccum (AT)
A cosmopolitan saprobe isolated from air, soil, grain, seeds, textiles, paper products, and food materials. Can be a plant pathogen, and is a common cause of leaf spots of various plants. Can be found in indoor environments, where it can grow under conditions of low humidity. It is a known allergen, and is occasionally isolated from human skin and sputum.
Eurotium (APT)
Can be found in stored food, fruit juices, grains, nuts, milled rice, spices, meat products, and peas. Also commonly occurs in indoor environments. Eurotium herbariorum may cause keratitis and indigestion in man.
Exophiala (PT)
Widely distributed as a saprobe in soil, water, on plants and decaying wood. It is an occasional contaminant of feet and nails. Exophiala infections have also been reported in animals, including fish.
Fusarium (APT)
Soil-borne fungi containing many plant pathogens that cause root rot, stem rot, fruit rot, and vascular wilt. Common on commodities, such as rice, bean, soybean, and other crops. Some species are important mycotoxin producers, and others notably F. oxysporum, F. solani and F. moniliforme, are recognized as opportunistic pathogens of man and animals.
Ganoderma (A )
Large, very hard, woody bracket fungi that grow on living and dead trees. Some species are common on oaks, chestnuts, and conifers such as hemlock, spruce, and pine. Many species are being investigated for possible medicinal uses.
Geotrichum (P)
Commonly found in soil, water, air, decaying leaves, rotting paper, and textiles. Involved in spoilage of food like bakery products, dairy products, juices, fruits, and vegetables. Can be found in indoor environments with some species producing strong odors.
Graphiam (U)
Graphium species are common, and are closely related to several ascomycetes. The sporulating structures of Graphium form synnema (coremia), which are a gathering of conidiophores into a sort of flower bouquet. The taxonomy of Graphium species needs work since the actual sporulating process differs among the many species. Health effects are dependent upon the related ascomycete. There are no reports of illness due to the Graphium stage of Ophiostoma. However, the genus Pseudallescheria (asexual phase is Scedosporium) has a Graphium phase, and these genera are noted for many health effects, some of which have serious consequences. Please see Scedosporium for more detailed information regarding health effects. No information is available regarding toxicity or allergy. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, tease mounts from bulk samples, and in air by culturable (Andersen) samples. (Spores do not have distinctive morphology and would be categorized as "other colorless" on spore trap samples.) Sources of isolation are many, including woody substrata, plant debris, soil, manure, and polluted water.
Hyphomycetes (U)
A group of fungi in which asexual spores called conidia are produced from special conidiogenous cells.
Helvella (U)
A saddle-shaped fruiting body of a fungus found on soil, or sometimes on rotting wood.
Occasionally found growing on soil under houses.
Memnoniella (T)
Mainly isolated from soils and dead plant material in tropical countries but has also been isolated from indoor sources such as paper, wallpaper, and textiles. Exposure to this genus should be avoided as they can produce griseofulvins, a potentially toxic metabolite. Emerging research has proposed that Memnoniella species actually belong to Stachybotrys.
Monodictys (U)
Monodictys Hughes, 1958, Can. J. Bot., 36: 785-786.
Colonies effuse, green, greenish blue, lavender, dark grey, blackish brown or black. Mycelium mostly superficial. Stroma none. Setae and hyphopodia absent. Conidiophores micronematous or semi-macronematous, mononematous, unbranched or irregularly branched, straight or flexuous, hyaline to brown, smooth, cells sometimes swollen. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, determinate, cylindrical, doliiform or subspherical. Conidia solitary dry, acrogenous, simple, oblong rounded at the ends, pyriform, clavate, ellipsoidal, subspherical or irregular, sometimes spirally twisted, brown to black, smooth or verrucose, muriform, basal cell sometimes inflated, paler and thinner-walled than the other cells. One species has a phialidic state.
Type species: Monodictys putredinis (Wallr.) Hughes.
Mucor (AP)
Often found in soil, plants, hay, stored seeds, and manure. They can be found indoors in house dust, HVAC system dust, and poorly maintained carpets. They are rapid growers and can contaminate many kinds of stored food, including fruits and vegetables. A few species have been recovered from well-documented cases of zygomycosis. In general, infections due to members of this genus are rare.
Myxomycetes (A)
Popularly called slime molds. These are not true fungi taxonomically. Some species are found in the soil, in decaying wood, or other organic matter, where they produce structures full of powdery resting spores.
Myxotrichum (T)
Myxotrichum species comprise a small proportion of the fungal biota. This genus is most closely related to other gymnothecial forming ascomycetes such as Gymnoascus and Ctenomyces. Heath effects are very rare with only one report of onychomycosis in 1976. No information is available regarding toxicity. Allergenicity has not been studied. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, and tease mounts from bulk samples. If Myxotrichum spores are isolated on culturable (Andersen) sampling, the Geomyces, Malbranchea, or Oidiodendron anamorph is likely to be the identifiable result, at least with primary growth within one week. (Spores do not have distinctive morphology and would be categorized as "other colorless" on spore trap samples.) This organism is keratinophilic and cellulolytic. Natural habitat is soil. Isolated regularly from paper substrates, damp drywall, decomposing carpets.
Nigrospora (AP)
Reported to be allergenic
Ophistoma (P)
Common plant pathogen and a common agent of sapstain in timber. At least one species is a human pathogen.
Paecilomyces (APT)
A common saprobe found on dead plants and compost. Some species are insect parasites while others cause food spoilage. It is rarely a human pathogen but can cause infection in animals. However, some species, such as P. variotii, P. marquandii and P. lilacinus are emerging as causative agents of disease in immunocompromised individuals.
Penicillium (APT)
Many species are common contaminants on a variety of substrates. May be found indoors in air samples, carpet dust, or on wallpaper. Some species are able to produce mycotoxins, as summarized below. Human pathogenic species are rare, only limited to P. marneffei, which causes disease in immunocompromised individuals. Some species are used for commercial production, such as P. chrysogenum for the antibiotic penicillin, P. griseofulvum for the antibiotic griseofulvin, and P. roquefortii for blue cheese.
Periconia (T)
A widespread fungus commonly found on various substrates, including stalks of grasses, herbaceous stems, dead leaves, or leaf spots. The spores of Periconia species are often indistinguishable from the spores of smut fungi like Ustilago species, when collected on air cassettes. Both genera can have spores that are brown, verruculose, or echinulate, ranging from 10-16 microns in diameter.
Peronospora (U)
Is a genus of plant pathogens, belonging to the class of water moulds. Water moulds are not true fungi (Eumycota) since they belong to the kingdom of chromalveolates.There are about 75 species in the genus, mostly specific to genera or families of herbaceous dicotyledonous plants. One of the best known Peronospora species (Peronospora parasitica, on Brassicaceae) has now been shown to be a species complex in the genus Hyaloperonospora. The most important plant pathogen in this complex, on Brassica, is now known as Hyaloperonospora brassicae
Pestalotia (U)
Is primarily a secondary pathogen. It is saprophytic on dead and dying tissues and is weakly parasitic infecting wounds under moist conditions.
Peziza (U)
Popularly referred to as cup fungi. They vary in size and color, but are mostly shades of ocher or brown to gray-violet. Most species are commonly found on old straw, compost, peat, leaf litter, rotting wood, damp soil, and other moist substrates. Can be found indoors in wet basements and wet carpets.
Phialophora (P)
Teleomorph: Ascomycetes Occurs in nature as a soft rot fungus on wood often causing a distinct blue stain. Can cause diseases in immuno-compromised individuals.
Phoma (AP)
Found in soil and plant materials as saprobes. Will grow on a variety of materials such as butter, paint, cement, and rubber. Occasionally pathogenic to plants and humans, but infection from this fungus is extremely rare.
Pithomyces (PT)
This genus is common in soil and on dead or decaying plant materials. Requires high moisture level for spore germination. Can potentially produce cyclodepsipeptides, sporidesmolides, and sporidesmin.
Pyricularia (U)
Pyricularia has been well circumscribed (Ellis 1971, 1976), although the distinction between it and some Dactylaria species is not always clear (Goh and Hyde 1997). The conidiogenous cells of Dactylaria and Pyricularia are polyblastic, integrated on the conidiophores, and are sympodial, cylindrical, geniculate and denticulate. The conidia are solitary, dry, acropleurogenous, simple, variously shaped, and hyaline to pale brown (Ellis 1971, 1976). In Pyricularia, however, denticles usually are cut off by a septum to form a separating cell (rhexolytic secession) and the conidia are mostly obpyriform. In Dactylaria there is no separating cell in the denticles (schizolytic secession) and the conidia are of variousshapes, usually fusiform, naviculate or more or less cylindrical (Ellis 1976). The presence of a separati Pyricularia were characteristics used by Ellis (1976) to delineate Pyricularia from Dactylaria. FurthermorePyricularia species are important ng cell and cylindrical denticles in pathogens, while Dactylaria species are usually saprobes (Cai et al 2002, Ho et al 2002, Bussaban et al 2003, Paulus et al2003, Luo et al 2004).
Ramichloridium (U)
Contains about 25 species that are usually associated with forest litter and rotting wood, however the genus contains two species of medical interest; R. mackenziei and R. schulzeri.
Rhinocladiella (P)
Reported to be pathogenic. It is a cosmopolitan fungus which can be found in soil, herbaceous substrates, and decaying wood. This genus lacks a known sexual state and is generally classified as a dark-walled dematiaceous fungus. There are two existing species under the Rhinocladiella genus namely, Rhinocladiella aquaspersa and Rhinocladiella atrovirens while the remaining five species have been obsolete and have been only considered by experts as synonyms for a few species under Fonsecaea and Exophiala genera.
Rhodotorula (AP)
A reddish yeast frequently isolated from air, soil, water, fruit juice, dairy products, and other substrates. Typically found as a saprobe in moist environments indoor such as carpeting, cooling coils, water tanks, humidifiers, and drain pans. Reported to be allergenic. Has been found to colonize terminally ill patients.
Rust (A)
Obligate parasitic fungi, which belong to Teliomycetes – Uredinales that cause plant diseases.
Rhizopus (APT)
Frequently isolated from soil and agricultural products, such as cereals and vegetables. Can cause infection in immunocompromised, malnourished or severely burned people.
Rhodotorula (AP)
A reddish yeast frequently isolated from air, soil, water, fruit juice, dairy products, and other substrates. Typically found as a saprobe in moist environments indoor such as carpeting, cooling coils, water tanks, humidifiers, and drain pans. Reported to be allergenic. Has been found to colonize terminally ill patients.
Scolecobasidium (U)
Genus of fungi in the family Dematiaceae which are a cause of phaeohyphomycosis. Previously called Ochroconis.
Scopulariopsis (APT)
It may produce arsine gas if growing on arsenic substrate. This can occur on wallpapers covered with paris green. It has been found growing on a wide variety of materials including house dust. It is associated with type III allergy.
Smuts (A )
Obligate parasites and pathogens of plants that cause smut on various plant parts such as Silene anthers, corn kernels, onion bulbs, and rice grains.
Septonema (U)
Septonema species comprise a very small proportion of the fungal biota. This genus is somewhat related to Cladosporium. No information is available regarding health effects, or toxicity. Allergenicity has not been studied. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, and tease mounts from bulk samples. Septonema has somewhat distinctive spores which could be counted on spore trap samples if the presence of this genus has already been demonstrated (for example, on tape lifts). Commonly found on the bark of deciduous or coniferous trees as well as on other fungi, particularly the Pyrenomycetes. Less commonly found in soil and buried root pieces.
Stachybotrys (AT)
Aw (water activity) - 0.94, optimum Aw (water activity) - >0.98. Several strains of this fungus (S. atra, S. chartarum and S. alternans are synonymous) may produce a trichothecene mycotoxin- Satratoxin H - which is poisonous by inhalation. The toxins are present on the fungal spores. This is a slow growing fungus on media. It does not compete well with other rapidly growing fungi. The dark colored fungi grows on building material with a high cellulose content and a low nitrogen content. Areas with relative humidity above 55% and are subject to temperature fluctuations are ideal for toxin production. Individuals with chronic exposure to the toxin produced by this fungus reported cold and flu symptoms, sore throats, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, dermatitis, intermittent local hair loss, and generalized malaise. The toxins produced by this fungus will suppress the immune system affecting the lymphoid tissue and the bone marrow. Animals injected with the toxin from this fungus exhibited the following symptoms: necrosis and hemorrhage within the brain, thymus, spleen, intestine, lung, heart, lymph node, liver, and kidney. The mycotoxin is also reported to be a liver and kidney carcinogen. Affects by absorption of the toxin in the human lung are known as pneumomycosis. This organism is rarely found in outdoor samples. It is usually difficult to find in indoor air samples unless it is physically disturbed. The spores are in a gelatinous mass. Appropriate media for the growth of this organism will have a high cellulose content and a low nitrogen content. The spores will die readily after release. The dead spores are still allergenic and toxigenic. Percutaneous absorption has caused mild symptoms.
Stemphylium (APT)
Is a dematiaceous filamentous fungus that is widely distributed on decaying vegetation and in the soil. A common saprobe typically is found on dead plants and wood. It has been also isolated from air, paper, and cellulosic materials. It is commonly considered as a contaminant. Pleospora is the telemorph of Stemphylium.
Scopulariopsis (APT)
Mainly soil-borne, but also frequently isolated from wood, grain, fruit, paper, and food such as meat and dairy products. Also isolated from indoor environments. Most species can liberate arsenic gaseous compounds that can lead to arsenic poisoning. Has recently been associated with invasive human infections.
Scytalidium (U)
Isolated from wood and soil.
Septonema (U)
Septonema species comprise a very small proportion of the fungal biota. This genus is somewhat related to Cladosporium. No information is available regarding health effects, or toxicity. Allergenicity has not been studied. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, and tease mounts from bulk samples. Septonema has somewhat distinctive spores which could be counted on spore trap samples if the presence of this genus has already been demonstrated (for example, on tape lifts). Commonly found on the bark of deciduous or coniferous trees as well as on other fungi, particularly the Pyrenomycetes. Less commonly found in soil and buried root pieces.
Serpula (U)
Wood-attacking fungi. Serpula lacrymans is popularly referred to as the dry rot fungus or house fungus.
Sordaria (U)
Common on dung. One species, S. fimicola is fairly common and is found on other substrates besides dung.
Spadicoides (U)
species comprise a very small proportion of the fungal biota. This genus is somewhat related to Diplococcium and Cephaliophora. No information is available regarding health effects or toxicity. Allergenicity has not been studied. Rarely found but may be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, and tease mounts from bulk samples. May be identified on spore trap samples if the presence of this genus has already been demonstrated (for example, on tape lifts). (Spores have somewhat distinctive morphology but may be confused with other genera.) Natural habitat includes dead wood and bark of various trees including birch, pine, oak, beech, and elm.
Sporidesmium (A)
Found on dead twigs, leaves, cedar planks, dead wood of oak, and other wood material. No medical information is cited in my clinical references; this mold may be allergenic. When found indoors I associate it with wet conditions and rotting wood. You should consider it an indicator organism, showing wet conditions, and you should be alert for other problematic molds in the area.
Sporobolomyces (AP)
Can be commonly detected in air samples. Frequently encountered indoors in water tanks, humidifiers, drain pans, etc.
Sporoschisma (U)
Found on rotten wood and dead stems.
Sporothrix (P)
Isolated from soil, live or dead plants, and peat moss. S. schenckii is an agent of human sporotrichosis, cutaneous infection, and ocular mycosis, usually in immunocompromised people.
Sporotrichum (U)
Can get airborne and be inhaled where it can form giant cells in the lungs.
Syncephalastrum (U)
Often isolated from soil and dung in tropical and subtropical regions. Can also be a persistent laboratory contaminant.
Taeniolella (U)
It is variable, and it is possible that some of the included taxa are not related with the type species. Most saprophytic species have multi-septate conidia, whilst the lichenicolous ones have (0-)1(-2)-septate conidia. Conidia are catenate in most species, but solitary in some. The conidial ornamentation is also variable. Most lichenicolous species are strictly host specific, which represents an invaluable aid in their identification. Often, lichen thalli are overgrown by hyphomycetes similar to Taeniolella species, but appearing not to be host specific, and representing most probably bark saprophytes fortuitously overgrowing weakened thalli; such species are more difficult to identify by lichenologists, as the entire literature on hyphomycetes is needed. Several additional lichenicolous Taeniolella species are known from North America and are likely to be discovered in the Sonoran area.
Torula (A)
Cosmopolitan fungi commonly found on wood, leaves, plant roots, and plant litter. It has also been isolated from air and soil; some species cause stains in hardwoods.
Tetraploa (P)
Found on stems and leaf bases of many plants. Tetraploa aristata has been reported to cause keratitis.
Thermomyces (U)
A thermophilic fungus that grows rapidly at 40° C.
Trichoderma (APT)
Very common especially in soil and decaying wood, dead leaves, fallen timber, compost heaps, and activated sludge. Can be found indoors in water-damaged buildings. Has occasionally been associated with disease in immune-compromised individuals.
Trichophyton (U)
Some species are dermatophytes (growing on the skin) of humans or animals.
Tritirachium (AP)
A saprobe commonly isolated from decaying plant materials. Easily gets airborne. Can cause corneal ulcers.
Ulocladium (A)
It is a genus of fungi. Species of this genus contain both plant pathogens and food spoilage agents. Other species contain enzymes that are biological control agents. Some members of the genus can invade homes and are a sign of moisture because the mold requires water to thrive. They can cause plant diseases or hay fever and more serious infections in immuno-suppressed individuals.
Unidentifiable (U)
Fungal spores which cannot be identified for a variety of reasons:
· Some can be dehydrated spores which could not be identified based on the spore morphology.
· Others can be damaged and in pieces beyond identification.
· Some can be undeveloped yet and not readily identified.
· Then there are the ones that are not in the system or in any labs identification profiles.
Verticillium (P)
Mostly soilborne, root-inhabiting fungi that cause vascular wilt and other diseases on plants. Some species also infect mushrooms, rusts, and other fungi, as well as nematodes, ticks, mites and other insects. Other species can attack wool and textiles, or can decompose paper.
Wallemia (AT)
A very xerophilic fungus that has been isolated from soil, air, hay, textiles, and food such as jam, salted fish, and milk products. Can cause allergies.
Yeast (A)
A growth form exhibited by some fungi in which the fungus exists as single budding cells.
Zygomycetes (APT)
A class of fungi where the asexual spores are mostly formed endogenously in sporangia. The majority of the species are saprobes
A – denotes allergenic
P – denotes pathogenic
T – denotes toxigenic
U – denotes unknown
Many fungal genera may have one, two or more of the above categories.
Acremonium (APT)
Reported to be allergenic. Can produce a trichothecene toxin which is toxic if ingested. It was the primary fungus identified in at least two houses where the occupant complaints were nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Asexual state of Emericellopsis sp., Chaetomium sp., and Nectripsis sp. It can produce mycetomas, infections of the nails, onychomycosis, corneal ulcers, eumycotic mycetoma, endophthalmitis, meningitis, and endocarditis.
Alternaria (APT)
A common saprobe found on decaying wood, decaying plants, food, soil, and outdoor air. Some species are plant pathogens. Indoors, it can be found in house dust, carpet, damp areas around showers and window frames, and anywhere condensation occurs. Because of its abundance and ubiquity, Alternaria is one of the most important fungal allergens and is recognized as the chief fungal cause of hay fever. Infection is extremely rare.
Arthospores (PT)
Arthrospores are a very primitive spore type, formed by the breaking up or disarticulation of fungal mycelia. Many yeast-like fungi such as the genera Geotricum and Trichosporon form arthrospores. These organisms require a series of biochemical tests for definitive identification. Many microfungi (such as the dermatophytes) form more than one kind of spore, including arthrospores, as well as spores that are morphologically distinct. Other microfungi form only arthrospores, but with mechanisms or other structural morphologies that are unique. Most of the basidiomycetes (mushrooms) form arthrospores as part of their mycelial phase; these arthrospores are not distinctive and are for the most part not an aid in identification. Colonies isolated on Andersen samples with aerial mycelia and many arthrospores are most probably the result of germinating basidiospores from mushrooms.
Ascospores (APT)
Sexual spores produced by Ascomycetes.
Agrocybe (U )
Medium to large mushrooms growing in grassy areas, on wood mulch, and pine needles. Some species are edible.
Arnium (U)
Most commonly isolated from dung. Not generally associated with human disease and is most often considered benign.
Arthrinium (AT)
A cosmopolitan fungus isolated from plant debris and soil. Often isolated from air near grassy places, but rarely found indoors. Not reported to cause human or animal infection.
Ascomycetes (APT)
Constitutes the largest class of fungi characterized by the production of sexual spores in structures called asci. This includes plant pathogens, saprobes, and decomposers. With a few exceptions, most Ascomycetes do not grow in buildings and are seldom agents of wood rot. Ascomycetes are the perfect stages of molds like Aspergillus and Penicillium. At high levels, Ascomycetes spores may cause allergies. Since most Ascomycetes are plant pathogens, ascospores are common during the growing season of plants and rare during winter, such as those of the Ascomycetes genera: Daldinia, Hypoxylon, Paraphaeosphaeria, Phaeosphaeria, and Leptosphaeria.
Aspergillus (APT)
A genus of fungi containing approximately 150 recognized species. Members of this genus have been recovered from a variety of habitats, but are especially common as saprophytes on decaying vegetation, soils, stored food, feed products in tropical and subtropical regions. Some species are parasitic on insects, plants and animals, including man. Species within this genus have reported Aw's (water activities) between 0.75 - 0.82. All of the species contained in this genus should be considered allergenic. Various Aspergillus species are a common cause of extrinsic asthma (immediate-type hypersensitivity: type I). Acute symptoms include edema and bronchiospasms. Chronic cases may develop pulmonary emphysema. Members of this genus are reported to cause a variety of opportunistic infections of the ears and eyes. Sever pulmonary infections may also occur. Many species produce mycotoxins which may be associated with disease in humans and other animals. Toxin production is dependent on the species or a strain within a species and on the food source for the fungus. Some of these toxins have been found to be carcinogenic in animal species. Several toxins are considered potential human carcinogens.
Basidiomycetes (APT)
A class of fungi characterized by spores formed on basidia. Includes the mushrooms, toadstools, boletes, wood bracket fungi, and puffballs. Some species are edible, such as Agaricus bisporus, the commercially cultivated mushroom. A few species cause wood brown rot, white rot, and dry rot in buildings.
Basidiospores (APT)
Sexual spores produced by Basidiomycetes.
Beauveria (AP)
Found in plant debris and soil. Some species are well known parasites of insects. It is also isolated from food materials and indoor environments.
Bipolaris (APT )
A widespread fungus that is most frequently associated with grasses, plant material, decaying food, and soil. It is common to both indoor and outdoor environments. Older obsolete names include Drechslera and Helminthosporium. This fungus produces large spores which would be expected to be deposited in the upper respiratory tract. Various species of this fungus can produce the mycotoxin - sterigmatocystin which has been shown to produce liver and kidney damage when ingested by laboratory animals.
Botrytis (A)
Most species are important plant pathogens, such as B. cinerea, which can cause gray mold disease on various plant parts. Can be found in food and indoor environment, particularly on plants, fruits, and vegetables.
Cercospora (U)
Teleomorph: Mycosphaerellaceae
Widespread plant pathogens that cause leaf spot on many plants.
Chaetomium (APT)
Large ascomycetous fungus producing perithecia. It is found on a variety of substrates containing cellulose including paper and plant compost. It can be readily found on the damp or water damaged paper in sheetrock.
Cheiromycella (U)
Sporodochia punctiform, brown. Mycelium immersed. Stroma erumpent. Setae and hyphopodia absent. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, short, branched irregularly and repeatedly, arising from cells of the stroma and composed mainly of swollen conidiogenous cells which are sometimes connected to one another by narrow isthmi, very pale golden brown, smooth. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic or monoblastic, integrated or discrete, determinate, clavate, doliiform, spherical or subspherical. Conidia aggregated in firm slimy masses, acropleurogenous, occasionally simple but usually branched, eheiroid, pale to mid golden brown, smooth; branches septate, constricted at septa. Type species: Cheiromycella microscopica (Karst.) Hughes = C. speiroidea (Höhn.) Höhn.
This genus is widespread; being found in food and indoors. Chrysonilia sitophila is popularly referred to as the red bread mold that occurs on breads, baked goods, meat, and fruits.
A common soil saprobe occasionally isolated from human or animal skin and nail. Chrysosporium inops is xerophilic and occurs in food.
Cladosporium (APT)
Aw (water activity) in the range of 0.84 to 0.88. Most commonly identified outdoor fungus. The outdoor numbers are reduced in the winter. The numbers are often high in the summer. Often found indoors in numbers less than outdoor numbers. It is a common allergen. Indoor Cladosporium sp. may be different than the species identified outdoors. It is commonly found on the surface of fiberglass duct liner in the interior of supply ducts. A wide variety of plants are food sources for this fungus. It is found on dead plants, woody plants, food, straw, soil, paint and textiles. It can cause mycosis. Produces greater than 10 antigens. Antigens in commercial extracts are of variable quality and may degrade within weeks of preparation. Common cause of extrinsic asthma (immediate-type hypersensitivity: type I). Acute symptoms include edema and bronchiospasms, chronic cases may develop pulmonary ailments.
Coelomycetes (AP)
An artificial class of fungi characterized by asexual spores that are produced within a cavity lined by fungal tissue or fungal and host tissues. Most are saprobes or pathogens on plants, fungi, and lichens.
Coprinus (T)
These mushrooms are popularly referred to as the inky caps because their gills dissolve into a black inky fluid at maturity. Found on wood, dung, humus, and soil. Some species are edible.
Curvularia (APT)
Reported to be allergenic. It may cause corneal infections, mycetoma and infections in immune compromised hosts.
Doratomyces (U)
A saprobe commonly found on decaying plant materials, straw, dung, wood, and in soil. It produces dark, sooty colonies. It has the ability to penetrate cellophane and to decompose cellulose. Doratomyces stemonitis is suspected to be the causal agent of "speck rot" on potatoes.
Dreschlera (P)
Mostly plant pathogens that cause leaf spot, seedling blight, leaf stripe, or net blotch.
Emericella (APT)
Usually found in soil, potatoes, grain, citrus, and stored seeds. Can be found in food and the indoor environment. Emericella nidulans can produce a sterigmatocystin mycotoxin and can be pathogenic to man and animals.
Endophragmia (U)
A relatively new fungi (2009) and not much is known about it.
Epicoccum (AT)
A cosmopolitan saprobe isolated from air, soil, grain, seeds, textiles, paper products, and food materials. Can be a plant pathogen, and is a common cause of leaf spots of various plants. Can be found in indoor environments, where it can grow under conditions of low humidity. It is a known allergen, and is occasionally isolated from human skin and sputum.
Eurotium (APT)
Can be found in stored food, fruit juices, grains, nuts, milled rice, spices, meat products, and peas. Also commonly occurs in indoor environments. Eurotium herbariorum may cause keratitis and indigestion in man.
Exophiala (PT)
Widely distributed as a saprobe in soil, water, on plants and decaying wood. It is an occasional contaminant of feet and nails. Exophiala infections have also been reported in animals, including fish.
Fusarium (APT)
Soil-borne fungi containing many plant pathogens that cause root rot, stem rot, fruit rot, and vascular wilt. Common on commodities, such as rice, bean, soybean, and other crops. Some species are important mycotoxin producers, and others notably F. oxysporum, F. solani and F. moniliforme, are recognized as opportunistic pathogens of man and animals.
Ganoderma (A )
Large, very hard, woody bracket fungi that grow on living and dead trees. Some species are common on oaks, chestnuts, and conifers such as hemlock, spruce, and pine. Many species are being investigated for possible medicinal uses.
Geotrichum (P)
Commonly found in soil, water, air, decaying leaves, rotting paper, and textiles. Involved in spoilage of food like bakery products, dairy products, juices, fruits, and vegetables. Can be found in indoor environments with some species producing strong odors.
Graphiam (U)
Graphium species are common, and are closely related to several ascomycetes. The sporulating structures of Graphium form synnema (coremia), which are a gathering of conidiophores into a sort of flower bouquet. The taxonomy of Graphium species needs work since the actual sporulating process differs among the many species. Health effects are dependent upon the related ascomycete. There are no reports of illness due to the Graphium stage of Ophiostoma. However, the genus Pseudallescheria (asexual phase is Scedosporium) has a Graphium phase, and these genera are noted for many health effects, some of which have serious consequences. Please see Scedosporium for more detailed information regarding health effects. No information is available regarding toxicity or allergy. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, tease mounts from bulk samples, and in air by culturable (Andersen) samples. (Spores do not have distinctive morphology and would be categorized as "other colorless" on spore trap samples.) Sources of isolation are many, including woody substrata, plant debris, soil, manure, and polluted water.
Hyphomycetes (U)
A group of fungi in which asexual spores called conidia are produced from special conidiogenous cells.
Helvella (U)
A saddle-shaped fruiting body of a fungus found on soil, or sometimes on rotting wood.
Occasionally found growing on soil under houses.
Memnoniella (T)
Mainly isolated from soils and dead plant material in tropical countries but has also been isolated from indoor sources such as paper, wallpaper, and textiles. Exposure to this genus should be avoided as they can produce griseofulvins, a potentially toxic metabolite. Emerging research has proposed that Memnoniella species actually belong to Stachybotrys.
Monodictys (U)
Monodictys Hughes, 1958, Can. J. Bot., 36: 785-786.
Colonies effuse, green, greenish blue, lavender, dark grey, blackish brown or black. Mycelium mostly superficial. Stroma none. Setae and hyphopodia absent. Conidiophores micronematous or semi-macronematous, mononematous, unbranched or irregularly branched, straight or flexuous, hyaline to brown, smooth, cells sometimes swollen. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, determinate, cylindrical, doliiform or subspherical. Conidia solitary dry, acrogenous, simple, oblong rounded at the ends, pyriform, clavate, ellipsoidal, subspherical or irregular, sometimes spirally twisted, brown to black, smooth or verrucose, muriform, basal cell sometimes inflated, paler and thinner-walled than the other cells. One species has a phialidic state.
Type species: Monodictys putredinis (Wallr.) Hughes.
Mucor (AP)
Often found in soil, plants, hay, stored seeds, and manure. They can be found indoors in house dust, HVAC system dust, and poorly maintained carpets. They are rapid growers and can contaminate many kinds of stored food, including fruits and vegetables. A few species have been recovered from well-documented cases of zygomycosis. In general, infections due to members of this genus are rare.
Myxomycetes (A)
Popularly called slime molds. These are not true fungi taxonomically. Some species are found in the soil, in decaying wood, or other organic matter, where they produce structures full of powdery resting spores.
Myxotrichum (T)
Myxotrichum species comprise a small proportion of the fungal biota. This genus is most closely related to other gymnothecial forming ascomycetes such as Gymnoascus and Ctenomyces. Heath effects are very rare with only one report of onychomycosis in 1976. No information is available regarding toxicity. Allergenicity has not been studied. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, and tease mounts from bulk samples. If Myxotrichum spores are isolated on culturable (Andersen) sampling, the Geomyces, Malbranchea, or Oidiodendron anamorph is likely to be the identifiable result, at least with primary growth within one week. (Spores do not have distinctive morphology and would be categorized as "other colorless" on spore trap samples.) This organism is keratinophilic and cellulolytic. Natural habitat is soil. Isolated regularly from paper substrates, damp drywall, decomposing carpets.
Nigrospora (AP)
Reported to be allergenic
Ophistoma (P)
Common plant pathogen and a common agent of sapstain in timber. At least one species is a human pathogen.
Paecilomyces (APT)
A common saprobe found on dead plants and compost. Some species are insect parasites while others cause food spoilage. It is rarely a human pathogen but can cause infection in animals. However, some species, such as P. variotii, P. marquandii and P. lilacinus are emerging as causative agents of disease in immunocompromised individuals.
Penicillium (APT)
Many species are common contaminants on a variety of substrates. May be found indoors in air samples, carpet dust, or on wallpaper. Some species are able to produce mycotoxins, as summarized below. Human pathogenic species are rare, only limited to P. marneffei, which causes disease in immunocompromised individuals. Some species are used for commercial production, such as P. chrysogenum for the antibiotic penicillin, P. griseofulvum for the antibiotic griseofulvin, and P. roquefortii for blue cheese.
Periconia (T)
A widespread fungus commonly found on various substrates, including stalks of grasses, herbaceous stems, dead leaves, or leaf spots. The spores of Periconia species are often indistinguishable from the spores of smut fungi like Ustilago species, when collected on air cassettes. Both genera can have spores that are brown, verruculose, or echinulate, ranging from 10-16 microns in diameter.
Peronospora (U)
Is a genus of plant pathogens, belonging to the class of water moulds. Water moulds are not true fungi (Eumycota) since they belong to the kingdom of chromalveolates.There are about 75 species in the genus, mostly specific to genera or families of herbaceous dicotyledonous plants. One of the best known Peronospora species (Peronospora parasitica, on Brassicaceae) has now been shown to be a species complex in the genus Hyaloperonospora. The most important plant pathogen in this complex, on Brassica, is now known as Hyaloperonospora brassicae
Pestalotia (U)
Is primarily a secondary pathogen. It is saprophytic on dead and dying tissues and is weakly parasitic infecting wounds under moist conditions.
Peziza (U)
Popularly referred to as cup fungi. They vary in size and color, but are mostly shades of ocher or brown to gray-violet. Most species are commonly found on old straw, compost, peat, leaf litter, rotting wood, damp soil, and other moist substrates. Can be found indoors in wet basements and wet carpets.
Phialophora (P)
Teleomorph: Ascomycetes Occurs in nature as a soft rot fungus on wood often causing a distinct blue stain. Can cause diseases in immuno-compromised individuals.
Phoma (AP)
Found in soil and plant materials as saprobes. Will grow on a variety of materials such as butter, paint, cement, and rubber. Occasionally pathogenic to plants and humans, but infection from this fungus is extremely rare.
Pithomyces (PT)
This genus is common in soil and on dead or decaying plant materials. Requires high moisture level for spore germination. Can potentially produce cyclodepsipeptides, sporidesmolides, and sporidesmin.
Pyricularia (U)
Pyricularia has been well circumscribed (Ellis 1971, 1976), although the distinction between it and some Dactylaria species is not always clear (Goh and Hyde 1997). The conidiogenous cells of Dactylaria and Pyricularia are polyblastic, integrated on the conidiophores, and are sympodial, cylindrical, geniculate and denticulate. The conidia are solitary, dry, acropleurogenous, simple, variously shaped, and hyaline to pale brown (Ellis 1971, 1976). In Pyricularia, however, denticles usually are cut off by a septum to form a separating cell (rhexolytic secession) and the conidia are mostly obpyriform. In Dactylaria there is no separating cell in the denticles (schizolytic secession) and the conidia are of variousshapes, usually fusiform, naviculate or more or less cylindrical (Ellis 1976). The presence of a separati Pyricularia were characteristics used by Ellis (1976) to delineate Pyricularia from Dactylaria. FurthermorePyricularia species are important ng cell and cylindrical denticles in pathogens, while Dactylaria species are usually saprobes (Cai et al 2002, Ho et al 2002, Bussaban et al 2003, Paulus et al2003, Luo et al 2004).
Ramichloridium (U)
Contains about 25 species that are usually associated with forest litter and rotting wood, however the genus contains two species of medical interest; R. mackenziei and R. schulzeri.
Rhinocladiella (P)
Reported to be pathogenic. It is a cosmopolitan fungus which can be found in soil, herbaceous substrates, and decaying wood. This genus lacks a known sexual state and is generally classified as a dark-walled dematiaceous fungus. There are two existing species under the Rhinocladiella genus namely, Rhinocladiella aquaspersa and Rhinocladiella atrovirens while the remaining five species have been obsolete and have been only considered by experts as synonyms for a few species under Fonsecaea and Exophiala genera.
Rhodotorula (AP)
A reddish yeast frequently isolated from air, soil, water, fruit juice, dairy products, and other substrates. Typically found as a saprobe in moist environments indoor such as carpeting, cooling coils, water tanks, humidifiers, and drain pans. Reported to be allergenic. Has been found to colonize terminally ill patients.
Rust (A)
Obligate parasitic fungi, which belong to Teliomycetes – Uredinales that cause plant diseases.
Rhizopus (APT)
Frequently isolated from soil and agricultural products, such as cereals and vegetables. Can cause infection in immunocompromised, malnourished or severely burned people.
Rhodotorula (AP)
A reddish yeast frequently isolated from air, soil, water, fruit juice, dairy products, and other substrates. Typically found as a saprobe in moist environments indoor such as carpeting, cooling coils, water tanks, humidifiers, and drain pans. Reported to be allergenic. Has been found to colonize terminally ill patients.
Scolecobasidium (U)
Genus of fungi in the family Dematiaceae which are a cause of phaeohyphomycosis. Previously called Ochroconis.
Scopulariopsis (APT)
It may produce arsine gas if growing on arsenic substrate. This can occur on wallpapers covered with paris green. It has been found growing on a wide variety of materials including house dust. It is associated with type III allergy.
Smuts (A )
Obligate parasites and pathogens of plants that cause smut on various plant parts such as Silene anthers, corn kernels, onion bulbs, and rice grains.
Septonema (U)
Septonema species comprise a very small proportion of the fungal biota. This genus is somewhat related to Cladosporium. No information is available regarding health effects, or toxicity. Allergenicity has not been studied. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, and tease mounts from bulk samples. Septonema has somewhat distinctive spores which could be counted on spore trap samples if the presence of this genus has already been demonstrated (for example, on tape lifts). Commonly found on the bark of deciduous or coniferous trees as well as on other fungi, particularly the Pyrenomycetes. Less commonly found in soil and buried root pieces.
Stachybotrys (AT)
Aw (water activity) - 0.94, optimum Aw (water activity) - >0.98. Several strains of this fungus (S. atra, S. chartarum and S. alternans are synonymous) may produce a trichothecene mycotoxin- Satratoxin H - which is poisonous by inhalation. The toxins are present on the fungal spores. This is a slow growing fungus on media. It does not compete well with other rapidly growing fungi. The dark colored fungi grows on building material with a high cellulose content and a low nitrogen content. Areas with relative humidity above 55% and are subject to temperature fluctuations are ideal for toxin production. Individuals with chronic exposure to the toxin produced by this fungus reported cold and flu symptoms, sore throats, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, dermatitis, intermittent local hair loss, and generalized malaise. The toxins produced by this fungus will suppress the immune system affecting the lymphoid tissue and the bone marrow. Animals injected with the toxin from this fungus exhibited the following symptoms: necrosis and hemorrhage within the brain, thymus, spleen, intestine, lung, heart, lymph node, liver, and kidney. The mycotoxin is also reported to be a liver and kidney carcinogen. Affects by absorption of the toxin in the human lung are known as pneumomycosis. This organism is rarely found in outdoor samples. It is usually difficult to find in indoor air samples unless it is physically disturbed. The spores are in a gelatinous mass. Appropriate media for the growth of this organism will have a high cellulose content and a low nitrogen content. The spores will die readily after release. The dead spores are still allergenic and toxigenic. Percutaneous absorption has caused mild symptoms.
Stemphylium (APT)
Is a dematiaceous filamentous fungus that is widely distributed on decaying vegetation and in the soil. A common saprobe typically is found on dead plants and wood. It has been also isolated from air, paper, and cellulosic materials. It is commonly considered as a contaminant. Pleospora is the telemorph of Stemphylium.
Scopulariopsis (APT)
Mainly soil-borne, but also frequently isolated from wood, grain, fruit, paper, and food such as meat and dairy products. Also isolated from indoor environments. Most species can liberate arsenic gaseous compounds that can lead to arsenic poisoning. Has recently been associated with invasive human infections.
Scytalidium (U)
Isolated from wood and soil.
Septonema (U)
Septonema species comprise a very small proportion of the fungal biota. This genus is somewhat related to Cladosporium. No information is available regarding health effects, or toxicity. Allergenicity has not been studied. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, and tease mounts from bulk samples. Septonema has somewhat distinctive spores which could be counted on spore trap samples if the presence of this genus has already been demonstrated (for example, on tape lifts). Commonly found on the bark of deciduous or coniferous trees as well as on other fungi, particularly the Pyrenomycetes. Less commonly found in soil and buried root pieces.
Serpula (U)
Wood-attacking fungi. Serpula lacrymans is popularly referred to as the dry rot fungus or house fungus.
Sordaria (U)
Common on dung. One species, S. fimicola is fairly common and is found on other substrates besides dung.
Spadicoides (U)
species comprise a very small proportion of the fungal biota. This genus is somewhat related to Diplococcium and Cephaliophora. No information is available regarding health effects or toxicity. Allergenicity has not been studied. Rarely found but may be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, and tease mounts from bulk samples. May be identified on spore trap samples if the presence of this genus has already been demonstrated (for example, on tape lifts). (Spores have somewhat distinctive morphology but may be confused with other genera.) Natural habitat includes dead wood and bark of various trees including birch, pine, oak, beech, and elm.
Sporidesmium (A)
Found on dead twigs, leaves, cedar planks, dead wood of oak, and other wood material. No medical information is cited in my clinical references; this mold may be allergenic. When found indoors I associate it with wet conditions and rotting wood. You should consider it an indicator organism, showing wet conditions, and you should be alert for other problematic molds in the area.
Sporobolomyces (AP)
Can be commonly detected in air samples. Frequently encountered indoors in water tanks, humidifiers, drain pans, etc.
Sporoschisma (U)
Found on rotten wood and dead stems.
Sporothrix (P)
Isolated from soil, live or dead plants, and peat moss. S. schenckii is an agent of human sporotrichosis, cutaneous infection, and ocular mycosis, usually in immunocompromised people.
Sporotrichum (U)
Can get airborne and be inhaled where it can form giant cells in the lungs.
Syncephalastrum (U)
Often isolated from soil and dung in tropical and subtropical regions. Can also be a persistent laboratory contaminant.
Taeniolella (U)
It is variable, and it is possible that some of the included taxa are not related with the type species. Most saprophytic species have multi-septate conidia, whilst the lichenicolous ones have (0-)1(-2)-septate conidia. Conidia are catenate in most species, but solitary in some. The conidial ornamentation is also variable. Most lichenicolous species are strictly host specific, which represents an invaluable aid in their identification. Often, lichen thalli are overgrown by hyphomycetes similar to Taeniolella species, but appearing not to be host specific, and representing most probably bark saprophytes fortuitously overgrowing weakened thalli; such species are more difficult to identify by lichenologists, as the entire literature on hyphomycetes is needed. Several additional lichenicolous Taeniolella species are known from North America and are likely to be discovered in the Sonoran area.
Torula (A)
Cosmopolitan fungi commonly found on wood, leaves, plant roots, and plant litter. It has also been isolated from air and soil; some species cause stains in hardwoods.
Tetraploa (P)
Found on stems and leaf bases of many plants. Tetraploa aristata has been reported to cause keratitis.
Thermomyces (U)
A thermophilic fungus that grows rapidly at 40° C.
Trichoderma (APT)
Very common especially in soil and decaying wood, dead leaves, fallen timber, compost heaps, and activated sludge. Can be found indoors in water-damaged buildings. Has occasionally been associated with disease in immune-compromised individuals.
Trichophyton (U)
Some species are dermatophytes (growing on the skin) of humans or animals.
Tritirachium (AP)
A saprobe commonly isolated from decaying plant materials. Easily gets airborne. Can cause corneal ulcers.
Ulocladium (A)
It is a genus of fungi. Species of this genus contain both plant pathogens and food spoilage agents. Other species contain enzymes that are biological control agents. Some members of the genus can invade homes and are a sign of moisture because the mold requires water to thrive. They can cause plant diseases or hay fever and more serious infections in immuno-suppressed individuals.
Unidentifiable (U)
Fungal spores which cannot be identified for a variety of reasons:
· Some can be dehydrated spores which could not be identified based on the spore morphology.
· Others can be damaged and in pieces beyond identification.
· Some can be undeveloped yet and not readily identified.
· Then there are the ones that are not in the system or in any labs identification profiles.
Verticillium (P)
Mostly soilborne, root-inhabiting fungi that cause vascular wilt and other diseases on plants. Some species also infect mushrooms, rusts, and other fungi, as well as nematodes, ticks, mites and other insects. Other species can attack wool and textiles, or can decompose paper.
Wallemia (AT)
A very xerophilic fungus that has been isolated from soil, air, hay, textiles, and food such as jam, salted fish, and milk products. Can cause allergies.
Yeast (A)
A growth form exhibited by some fungi in which the fungus exists as single budding cells.
Zygomycetes (APT)
A class of fungi where the asexual spores are mostly formed endogenously in sporangia. The majority of the species are saprobes